Our Destinations
The fishing season starts in late April in Kettle Point, ON which is located on Southern Lake Huron. Here we fish for the Mighty King (Chinook Salmon), Coho Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Rainbow Trout, and Lake Trout. Spring is the best time to fish this area as the water in Huron is still very cold. The southern part of the lake holds the warmest water at this time of year. There is a lot of structure around Kettle Point, this is where the bait fish like to hide and the fish we target will be in there searching for their next meal.

Our spread of rods will have spoons, body baits, and meat rigs on them. Dipsey Divers, lead core lines, jet divers, and 3 down-riggers are used to get our lures to the depth the fish are at. Also, Planer boards are used to get a spread of lures out and away from the boat for those boat shy fish that are in shallow water.
In mid June the boat moves to Erieau, ON (Central Lake Erie). Here we fish for Walleye and Steelhead (Rainbow Trout). We also get a good catch of Silver Bass, White perch, and of course the famous “Sheepshead”! Catches of Chinook and Coho Salmon are a possible also. The waters off Erieau are some of the deepest in Lake Erie. It holds the cooler water that fish like to live in when the shallower water gets too warm for them. Millions of Walleye (Pickeral) stage in these waters during July and August. Limits of Walleye can be caught in a couple hours of fishing some days. The steelhead usually set up in big numbers in mid to late August
My typical fishing rod spread of 2 rods per person consists of 2 downrigger rods, 6 Dipsey Divers and 2-5 planer board rods per side.
Amazing Local Attractions
Erieau is a small town with a lot to offer. Great restaurants, a beautiful beach, camping, and cabins available
Molly & OJ’s
Bayside Brewing Company
The Eau Bouy Grill
Erieau, ON
-Erie-O Motel www.erieomotel.com
-Molly & OJ’s Lake side cabins
-Willow Barrel Retreat
Silver Motel in Blenheim, ON
-Southside Landing Campground and Marina
Bayside Camp
Our Incredible Sponsors
Thank you so much to our amazing sponsors. Please check out their products
Team Canada Pro

Where To Purchase Our Sponsors Products
The Outdoorsman in Sarnia,ON
ERIEAU Marina in Erieau, ON
Eau Bouy Variety in Erieau,ON
Angling Sports in London, ON
Please check out their websites and support these great local companies!